Development setup with PyCharm

This setup with pycharm makes it easy to work on all of AI4Finance-Foundation’s repositories simultaneously, while allowing easy debugging, committing to the respective repo and creating PRs/MRs.

Step 1: Download Software

-Download and install Anaconda.

-Download and install PyCharm. The Community Edition (free version) offers everything you need except running Jupyter notebooks. The Full-fledged Professional Edition offers everything. A workaround to run existing notebooks in the Community edition is to copy all notebook cells into .py files. For notebook support, you can consider PyCharm Professional Edition.

-On GitHub, fork FinRL to your private Github repo.

-On GitHub, fork ElegantRL to your private Github repo.

-On GitHub, fork FinRL-Meta to your private Github repo.

-All next steps happen on your local computer.

Step 2: Git Clone

mkdir ~/ai4finance
cd ~/ai4finance
git clone[your_github_username]/FinRL.git
git clone[your_github_username]/ElegantRL.git
git clone[your_github_username]/FinRL-Meta.git

Step 3: Create a Conda Environment

cd ~/ai4finance
conda create --name ai4finance python=3.8
conda activate ai4finance

cd FinRL
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install ElegantRL using requirements.txt, or open ElegantRL/ in a text editor and pip install anything you can find: gym, matplotlib, numpy, pybullet, torch, opencv-python, and box2d-py.

Step 4: Configure a PyCharm Project

-Launch PyCharm

-File > Open > [ai4finance project folder]


-At the bottom right of the status bar, change or add the interpreter to the ai4finance conda environment. Make sure when you click the “terminal” bar at the bottom left, it shows ai4finance.


-At the left of the screen, in the project file tree:

  • Right-click on the FinRL folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root

  • Right-click on the ElegantRL folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root

  • Right-click on the FinRL-Meta folder > Mark Directory as > Sources Root

-Once you run a .py file, you will notice that you may still have some missing packages. In that case, simply pip install them.

For example, we revise FinRL.

cd ~/ai4finance
cd ./FinRL
git checkout -b branch_xxx

where branch_xxx is a new branch name. In this branch, we revise

Step 5: Creating Commits and PRs/MRs

-Create commits as you usually do through PyCharm.

-Make sure that each commit covers only 1 of the 3 repo’s. Don’t create a commit that spans more than one repo, e.g., FinRL and ElegantRL.


-When you do a Git Push, PyCharm will ask you to which of the 3 repos you want to push. Just like the above figure, we select the repo “FinRL”.

With respect to creating a pull request (PR) or merge quest (MR), please refer to Create a PR or Opensource Create a PR.